Marking Less in ICS

					void setup() {
  location = "CEMC 2017 - Summer Conference";
  presenter = "Andrew Seidel";

Important Questions

Why change my system?

Markless vs. mark less



How do we mark less?

What does this look like?

How do I start this?

Why change my system?

To focus more time on student learning.

Lowers the student's focus on "What's my mark?"

Students focus more on improving

Markless vs mark less?

Personal goal would be to go markless - this would help students focus on learning

In the mean time, I do a lot less marking for my students

I do give a lot more feedback though

Theory - Overarching Learning Goals (OLGs)

Evaluate on 3-5 items

Assess based on learning goals and success criteria


ICS2O - 3 goals ICS3U - 3 goals ICS4U - 3 goals

All the goals are based on the overall expectations


All assessments are broken down into learning goals and success criteria (as per Growing Success)

3 rubrics for the whole course (based on OLGs)

Rubric subsections are based on learning goals

Success Criteria are listed in the rubric

What assessments do I do?

Almost 0 tests (ICS2O @ 0, ICS3U @ 1, ICS4U @ 2)

Do mainly large and small projects, a couple group projects, and presentations

What do I provide to the students?

Feedback via Single-point rubrics

No marks - focus is on learning

How do we mark less?

Focus the students on the learning process

Give out larger projects rather than a lot of little ones

Allows for more feedback

Sit with students when giving feedback, and update their rubric on the spot

What does my class look like?

Give large projects that last at least a week

Spend most of my time walking around helping students individually

Minimal stand and deliver (10-20 minutes a week on average)

Allows me a lot of time to give individual feedback

How do I start this?

Focus on the important points of the course

Turn the classroom into a learning-focused class (rather than mark driven)

Continuously focus the student's attention to learning (rather than marks)

Free up a lot of "marking" time by providing feedback and updating rubrics in-class


Time to collaborate!

Google Doc for discussions link provided